School is in session please drive carefully


If you live in New York and New Jersey area, you know very well that the schools and colleges are now opening up, and will be in session right after the labor day weekend, So if we not in habit in stopping for the school bus and wait for the children to go thru the cross walk please, because we all need to make sure that our kids can get on the bus safely and get off the bus safely. We have instructed all the drivers that we have in our company to make sure that they are extra careful because we at american city express believe that children are our future and we advice all our clients to keep extra time and make sure they consider stopping behind the school bus for a few minutes every now and than so that they can get to the airport on time. Safe Driving!, because many townships place police officers at the crossings, and crossing guards are also hired at the intersections by the schools to make sure that kids get in and out of the schools safely.  Remember the ticket for not stopping for the school bus , or not stopping for the pedestrean may cost you hundreds of dollars and a minimum of 4 points on your driver’s license